Monday, April 3, 2017

2nd corner - Border Field State park CA

Well, we braved San Diego traffic to go to the southwestern most point of the United States, Border Field State Park, CA.  The park was actually closed to cars (and dogs), so we hiked in a mile and a half from the parking area to the beach. Along the way we came across fields of beautiful flowers. Based on the color, I think it is highway ice plant and not sea fig.  Any biologists recognize it?

Another surprise: Wild growing nasturtiums, known to most of us as the edible flowers you can put into salad.

And then there were these daisy like plants:

The view opened up, here is Tijuana, Mexico in the distance. Note the "big, beautiful" border fence, it made some of us think of the old iron curtain.

Here the fence reaches into the ocean, the bottom left corner of the United States.

And here it is, the official second corner photo:

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